Thursday, November 10, 2011

Lee Bender: one sick racer

the story starts, when some days ago, i shared the b&w version of this pic on my facebook page!
karim loved it!
so he asks me for the hi-res pic, so that he can print it in poster size..

i asked the guy whom i had it shared from... no answer!!

but yet, i was sure i knew this shot..
(probably had seen it ages ago, on some page/blog/who-knows-where...)

so... i think: let's write an email to a couple of guys, motorhead photographers...
they might know!
the dutchman photos
josh kurpius

they both speak nice words about the pic, but had no idea about it!

3rd and lucky try... max schaaf!

the shot seemed taken in SF (his area)
so i said: wtf, lets try! he's a busy boy, but i'll just send a stupid email!

max replied...  simple and clear... just 2 words: lee bender


so now..  who the fuck is this lee bender????
i start the googling... facebooking.. 

a private msg on facebook...
somebody with a strange name (me!) asks u for a pic u took a year ago...
WTF (u'd think, too! probably, so he did! )

so, he asks me: why...
i say: bla bla.. the story here above!!

and while i was thinking: he'll never reply back...
here r his words:
"that photo is funny. 
short story is, thats the steepest street in the states that spans the length of a block. 
this was shortly after my friend rick and i moved to sf summer of 2010. 
all we did for the first two weeks was find the steepest hills to jump up or down... 
so this was the holy grail of sorts. 
rick actually shot this with my camera and im standing at the bottom... 
he had just shot me jumping into the hill and i was waiting at the bottom for him."

(the man's blog. check it out)

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