Friday, December 9, 2011

the x-factor

yesterday... walking&meditating...
i just realized something!

in the last years, most of the bikes, connected to me, had the X-factor on their i.d.!!


(actually... it's not just the last year...  but all my motorized years!!!!)

my first lil bike: kawa max100

one of my fav. bikes, during the years i used to buy the magazine and just dream of them: zrx400

some years later, i bought my first big bike...a cb450k5.
no experience...
so i was mostly riding it on the city's small streets...
where stupid car drivers go fast...
and boom... crach... (as i said... not-experienced...  so the front brake just made me kiss the ground!)
some days later...  a friend offered me the handle-bars of his old bike, since mine were wrecked..
and that friend's old bike was: xl185s


(those bars stayed there for the rest of my bikes years... till i sold it!)


i sold the cb...and i bought... my yamaha: xjr400

some years ago, i was crazy about  and i wanted to buy a: zrx1100
(i even called the owner, after reading the ad on a newspaper!
he was simply giving it away...  for 2000euros... when the next best offer would start at over 3000!
wtf! i was so stupid not to buy that one!)

same story...  rediculous price too!
this time the bike is a: vrx400
(this time we're talking about a 1500euros bike...
i've even visited the guy's garage!
it looks pretty ok...
i could start negociating, during this winter!
it's the big crisis era in europe... so i hope i can get him down close to 1000euros!)

again... similar story... higher price... for a great bike though: the honda x4
(no other comments!
i still love this bike...
but i think the 1300cc r too much for me!!!)


PS: when other shit comes on my mind, u'll have the updates added here...  ;)

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