Monday, September 23, 2013

Infernal Varanne # Wall of Death

 art by gaz chapman

pics by:
tara watney
taiou konishi
varanne family

Some words, written by Danny Varanne (CEO and rider) :

Done! We are back in the WALL OF DEATH show. It was at least 5 years that I felt the lack of wall riding in my life. These last 5 years, my job with the GLOBE made me more than happy. I brought my team to Monte Carlo Circus festival, we got the Guiness world record, we made a Splitter Globe of Death, we made the DOUBLE GLOBE, ect...It seemed to me that I have done all what can be done in the GLOBE of death show. As I always wants to innovate and not doing like the others, I dreamed of a WALL of DEATH, but not like my family had before. Not in wood. It's too much work to maintain. And because people must climb above the cylinder to see inside, it blocks the market to fun fairs and rallies only. So my idea was a WALL OF DEATH, you could see thru. Easy to think, not easy to build.

The first step was to find a producer. I mean a first customer who will buy the show, just on my words, as the WALL/GLOBE (Invisible Wall of Death), do not exist, I had to convict someone to pay the first gig.
I found this crazy customer in the person of Jason, a UK man working in a Japanese festival. I explained my project, and after some search on the internet, he saw that we had the trust of many people in matter of organization, and riding skills. Si he confirmed the deal.
Papers done, and I started the construction of the invisible wall. One month of meeting and search on internet for the right material. As a Pioneer, none is giving answer. That's the good to be the first in something. But the hassle as well.
After a month of searching and plans, discussion with my bro Jesse and father Daniel on how will we make this or this, we could start the construction.
Two month after, the METAL WALL of death was born.

I did the first ride under the eyes of my dad and mom. I was in worry, but trusted my heart. Why worry? Simply, thinking of, may be the motorcycles wont grip, may be it will be too soft, may be this....If it don't work, all this work, all this money for nothing. Not to mention, the problems with Jason the customer of the show. So I rode the barrel, and it worked! Harder than in the classic wood WALL, Harder than a GLOBE. I found my master! A challenge. Exactly what I was looking for. Something I don't control, something I will have to work with.
I spent one week on working on few things to modify, and training with my brother Jesse.
A phone call from Jason, who told me to hurry to pack the WALL in the sea container for outbound to Japan. So no time to rehearse a complete show.

Two month after, we opened the doors of the container in Japan. Only 4 days before the first show.
Bruno Alliot, a family member from Italy did not rode the WALL since 6 years. Nevertheless he came to our compound in Paris to train a little in the GLOBE, to rework his head. To avoid the dizziness we got in circle of death when it's been long time without riding.

So it was not easy to think about a victory, in those conditions. But after the three days, it was done.
The Friday night 26 th of July, saw our return in the WALL of DEATH, and saw the birth of a new show. I am so glad that almost everything steps worked as I imagined it. From the construction, but also the show. The Japanese crowd reacted where I thought they will react. I imagined it 1000 times in my head. I also imagined 1000 times, the failure, the fall. But ok. I followed my heart, not my head, who is always in contradiction.
The show in Japan was a big success. Jason the customer still send me e-mails saying "Great show Danny", that what am proud and work for.

I am back in the family of WALL of DEATH, in my way.

I am so happy to bring the old tradition in the new century. Like ROSENTHAL invented the GLOBE, like ABBINS, the pioneers of our business, I showed that there's still something to do to surprise.

I will just say, do more than what was done before. Put the bar higher. Don't copy your neighbor.

Thank you to my brother Jesse, with who I have the pleasure to ride. To Bruno, who did not hanged up the phone. Thank you to my wife who supported me in my dream. And a mega thanks to
DANIEL VARANNE SENIOR, who putted me in a WALL OF DEATH 29 years ago.
And today at age of 67 years, who welded the Invisible WALL.

more about Danny Varanne and the other Infernals ... HERE:

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